5th session of the Université Populaire: ‘L’Islam à l’heure de la crise et du colonialisme’

The iReMMO co-organizes with the online newspaper Orient XXI the 5th session of the Université Populaire (popular university), on the theme : “L’Islam à l’heure de la crise et du colonialisme” (Islam in the time of crisis and colonialism).


  • Session 1 (10.30-12.30 am): ‘Pouvoir politique et religion dans l’Empire Ottoman’ with Paul Dumont, professor emeritus and former director of the Département d’études turques at the University of Strasbourg.
  • Session 2 (2-4 pm): ‘Le réformisme islamique : une troisième voie (XIXe-XXe)’ with Steven Duarte, Arabic-language graduade and doctor of Arabic and (EPHE). He teaches about Arabic language and reformism in contemporary Islam at the Université Paris 13.
  • Session 3 (4.15-6 pm): ‘Le nationalisme arabe comme réponse à la crise ?’, with Elisabeth Longuenesse, sociologist and research director at the CNRS, Lyon.

Practical information:

  • Date: Saturday 12th of March 2016
  • Place: iReMMO 7, rue des Carmes 75005 Paris (metro Maubert Mutualité)
  • Fee: 20€ (normal fee) / 12€ (reduced fee)
  • Webpage of the event: http://www.iremmo.org/spip/spip.php?article699
  • Language of the lectures: French
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