
The documents available on this website, in the category ‘links’ come from various sources, the main ones being:

  • the DCIE program (Dynamiques CItoyennes en Europe), which website is located here
  • the RELMIN project database. This database collects legal texts defining the status of religious minorities in medieval Europe and provide a translation and a comment for each of them. It is available here. For an overview of the project and of the link between RELMIN and IPRA, feel free to read this article.
  • the theme community HEMED (euro-mediterranean history), which website is located here
  • the contributions made by the IPRA members to other projects (for instance, to conferences) or documents (for instance an article published in a newspaper)

The resources created during the activities of the institute (and especially the recordings of the events organized by the IPRA) are available in the Resources Center, which is reachable directly from the navigation menu or at this adress:

Please note that the English version of the resources center is still incomplete. If you want to access to resources produced during the RELMIN projet, please go to the French version, available at this adress:


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These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License