2015-2016 HEMED online course : Women and religions. Profiles, organizations, debates

This entry is part [part not set] of 6 in the series HEMED online courses

Speaking in the name of political or religious authority has almost always been a male prerogative. While men might have at times acknowledged women as their equal regarding faith, they kept and strengthened the privileges that they enjoyed inside confessional structures, leaving to women self-reliant actions. Modernism, defined by a focus on the human being at the center of the organization and representation system, was a tipping point. However, the promotion of women’s roles in societies and the evolutionof their legal status did not flow in a linear process. Commitments in favor of women’s emancipation converged until the 60’s across religious beliefs. Then, during half a century, “feminisms” were increasingly expressed in  a great discrepancy of voices.

As for now, this course is only available in French, but an English translation should follow : http://hemed.univ-lemans.fr/cours2015/fr/co/Module_6_web.html

All the HEMED online courses are available at this address: http://hemed.univ-lemans.fr/index.html

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