4th session of the Université populaire: ‘Islam : textes et concepts fondamentaux’

The iReMMO co-organizes with the online newspaper Orient XXI the 4th session of the Université Populaire, on the theme: ‘Islam : textes et concepts fondamentaux’ (Islam: fundamental texts and concepts). Please note that this event will be held in French.


  • Lecture 1 (10.30h-12.30h) : ‘La Constitution de Médine’ with Mohamed Ghamgui, professor of Muslim history at the IESH.
  • Lecture 2 (14h-16h) : ‘Le Jihad du temps du prophète Mohammed à aujourd’hui’ withRoland Laffitte, independant researcher and writer, secretary of the Société d’Études Lexicographiques et Étymologiques Françaises et Arabes
  • Lecture 3 (16.15h-18h) : ‘États en Islam’ with Makram Abbes, professor of political philosophy  at the ENS Lyon, who published ‘Qu’entend-on par jihâd ?’ in Les Grands dossiers des sciences humaines (November 2015, nᵒ 4) and ‘Réflexions sur la guerre en Islam’ in Extrême-Orient Extrême-Occident (03 June 2015, nᵒ 38).

Practical information:

  • Date : Saturday, February 13 (10h30-18h)
  • Place: iReMMO 7, rue des Carmes, 75005 Paris (Metro Maubert Mutualité)
  • Price: 20 euros for the day (12 euros for students and unemployed people)
  • Webpage of the event (and online registration): http://www.iremmo.org/spip/spip.php?article684
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