Call for papers: workshop “Michel Houellebecq, christianisme, Islam, et cetera”

An interdisciplinary workshop, second part of the cycle ‘Michel Houellebecq ou misère de l’homme sans Dieu ?’ (Michel Houellebecq or the misery of mankind without God?), will take place on June 17, 2016. It is organized by the IPRA and the laboratory 3LAM (Université du Maine-Le Mans).

Entitled ‘Michel Houellebecq, christianisme, Islam, et cetera’ (Michel Houellebecq, Christianity, Islam, and so on), it follows the first workshop that was held in October 2015, and which focus was on the issues of atheism and conversion (‘Michel Houellebecq, athéisme et foi’). This 2016 workshop aims at going beyond the gut reactions elicited by the works and sensational statements of the author, and take a critical look at his books to assess the relevance of the perception he develops towards the major monotheistic religions.

The papers, with a length of approximately 1500 characters should be sent with a short resume of the author, no later than January 31, 2016 at: or

You will find more details about this call for papers at the following address (please note that the page is in French):

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