IPRA new co-director

Céline BORELLO, professor of Modern History at the Université du Maine has taken over the co-direction of IPRA with John TOLAN, after Dominique AVON was nominated at the EPHE in Paris.

Former student at the Institut d’études politiques in Aix-en-Provence, Céline Borello is professor of Modern History at the University du Maine and member of the CERHIO (FRE 2004 CNRS). Following her doctoral thesis on the reformed provencal community (Les protestants de Provence au XVIIe siècle, H. Champion, 2004) she focused on the study of the interchristian relations and the analysis of protestant theological and political discourses in the 18th an 19th centuries (Du Désert au Royaume : parole publique et écriture protestante, H. Champion, 2013; La république en chaire protestante (XVIIIe-XIXe siècles), PUR, 2017). She most notably directed a book on  Les œuvres protestantes en Europe (PUR, 2013) and coheaded Questions d’appartenance : les identités de l’Antiquité à nos jours (Orizons, 2015).

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