RELMIN (2010-2015)

What is the RELMIN database?

The RELMIN project (the legal status of religious minorities in the Euro-Mediterranean world, 5th -15th centuries) is one of the pilar upon which the IPRA was founded. It collected, studied and publishds legal texts defining the status of religious minorities in medieval Europe. The corpus of texts is rich and varied, spanning ten centuries over a broad geographical area; these texts, in Latin, Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic (and also in Medieval Spanish, Portuguese, and other European vernaculars), are dispersed in libraries and archives across Europe.

The texts are now gathered in the RELMIN Database in their original language, with translations and commentaries. They are made available to scholars, students and citizens at large. Access is unlimited, free and perennial. and to contribute to the work of compilation.

It is an important tool for the study of the history of interfaith relations and in particular for the study of legal strictures (and protections and privileges) conferred on religious groups. While it is impossible to compile an exhaustive anthology of texts, the RELMIN database presents a broad and representative sample of texts.

This database is still evolving: we invite scholars who use the database to provide feedback and to contribute to the work of compilation.We also invite you to suggest texts to be included in the database. If you are willing to contribute to the database by writing one or more entries, please let us know. All correspondence may be sent to:


How is the database organized?

Les textes sont consultables directement via l’onglet texte ou bien par auteurs (auteurs du texte source) ou contributeurs (chercheurs ayant contribué à la traduction et à la notice des textes sources). Il est également possible d’effectuer des recherches dans la base, soit simples via la barre de recherche du site, soit plus complexe grâce à l’onglet de recherche avancée (qui permet de trier par numéro de notice, titre original ou descriptif, mots-clés, type de texte, langues, etc.).

Le site propose également un glossaire des termes religieux et des termes de droit, utilisés dans les notices, ainsi qu’une fiche pour chacun des auteurs des textes sources.

Toutes les notices (celles des auteurs et celles des textes) sont téléchargeables au format PDF.

The texts are available directly via the text tab or by authors (author of the source text ) or contributors (researchers who contributed to the translation and to the commentaries). It is also possible to research the database, either simply via the website searchbar or, for more complex requests, via the advanced search tab (for sorting by article number, original title or descriptive title, keywords, type of text, language, etc.).

The site also offers a glossary of the religious and legal terms used in the articles, as well as an article for each author.

All the articles can be downloaded in PDF format.


Access to the database

Click on the picture to access the database
Vidal mayor Relm

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