BOLOGNA, MARCH 5-8, 2018

Who we are

Religion plays a central role in our world. Shared knowledge and academic reflection can stimulate a peaceful coexistence and avoid religious illiteracy. Both in the academic world and in Europe as a whole, there is a basis of a shared understanding of the importance of religious pluralism, religious freedom, ecumenical dialogue and of the role of religions and of religion studies in order to build peace and citizenship in the global world.

The European Academy of Religion (EuARe) is a research initiative launched under the High Patronage of the European Parliament which offers an exchange platform to academies and scientific societies, associations, research centres and institutions, university labs, clusters and departments, journals, publishers, the media and scholars in Europe and the surrounding regions.

2018 Conference Program

After Ex Nihilo Zero Conference (Bologna, June 18-22, 2017), EuARe will start in 2018 its annual meetings, which in the forthcoming years will take place in early March.

The 2018 Conference will be held in Bologna from Monday 5th to Thursday 8th March.

The program will be composed of plenary (lectiones magistrales and roundtables) and working sessions (panels and papers).

Lectiones magistrales will be held by: Andres Winroth (Yale University); Philip Reynolds (Emory University); Risto Saarinen (University of Helsinki); Else Marie Wiberg-Pedersen (Aarhus University); Mona Siddiqui (University of Edinburgh); John Zizioulas (Thessaloniki School of Theology); Christoph Markschies (Humboldt-Universität Berlin) and many others.

Three roundtables will be convened on the topic of ‘Change and Religion in Europe’, and on the figures of Aristotle and Moses.

On Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th, the Conference will host an international Moot Court Competition in Law & Religion, organized in cooperation with ICLARS – International Consortium for Law & Religion Studies. Teams from within and outside Europe will argue a case before either/both the European Court of Human Rights and the Supreme Court of the United States. Pre-eminent scholars and actual judges from both jurisdictions will sit as judges of the two Courts.

In the location of the event, a display space reserved for publishers will be set up. Publishers are invited to organize book presentations with authors and to advertise their participation on their websites and in newsletters in order to draw public attention to their works and encourage attendance.

The traditional Gala Dinner of the European Academy of Religion will take place on Wednesday 7th at 8pm. Attendees can confirm their presence and register accompanying persons when registering for the Conference. Special meals will be arranged to meet dietary requirements.

Proposal submission

Submission forms for panel and paper proposals will be available in the next few days. In the meanwhile, proposals and ideas can be sent to:

The following information will be required (*for panel proposals only):

  • Proponent’s first name, last name, email contact address
  • Panel/Paper Title
  • Abstract in English: aims, topics, bibliography (maximum 1000 characters, including


  • Disciplines involved
  • Number of participants*
  • Number of paper proposals to be selected with a call for papers on the EuARe website*
  • Number of time slots required (2 hours each for panels; 1,5 hours each for workshops.

    Up to four time slots are available per each proposal)*

  • Language

    All European languages are accepted; nevertheless, in order to reach the widest possible audience, only one language is admitted within the same working session. As translation is not provided, the use of English and the preparation of hand-outs are encouraged.

    We strongly recommend panel proponents to increase their audience by spreading the word about their participation in the Conference and by advertising the meeting on their Institutional websites and in newsletters.

    The acceptance of proposals is subject to the evaluation of the European Academy of Religion Executive Committee. E-mail notification of the acceptance will be sent within a couple of weeks after submission.

Deadlines, registration and fees


* Notification of acceptance will be given within a couple of weeks after the submission.
** The acceptance of panel and paper proposals does not replace the speakers’ registration in the conference: speakers who do not register by February 16th, 2018 will not be included in the conference program.

Call for proposals*

December 20th, 2017

Publication of the program first draft on the website

February 1st, 2018**

Registrations and fees*

Student/PhD/ PostDoc/Early Career Scholar

Senior Scholar/ Professor

Early bird

December 20th, 2017

10 €

20 €


February 16th, 2018**

20 €

40 €


5-8 March 2018

Single-day pass: 10 €

Single-day pass: 20 €

Multi-day pass: 20-40 €

Multi-day pass: 40-80 €

* The following fees apply to European Academy of Religion members. Non members will be charged an additional fee of 60 €.
** After this date only on-site registration will be possible.

Travel grants and housing

The Academy offers 100 travel grants of 300 € to Students, PhD Students, Post-Docs and Early Career Scholars. The number of travel grants may rise according to the generosity of the donors. Moreover, funding is offered to those who would like to attend the meeting as auditors. All those concerned can submit a request to after completing registration in the Conference. A curriculum vitae, a motivation letter and an estimated travel budget is required as a part of the application.

Special conference rates have been negotiated with city hotels. The meeting attendees will be given the possibility to enjoy discounted hotel rates by booking their stay in advance. Information is available at

Membership and rates

EuARe is open to individuals, academic associations and institutions, publishers, journals, media and other organizations engaged in the study, critical consideration, scientific research or public understanding of religion and its interactions with society in Europe and the Mediterranean countries. Members different from individuals will designate a representative entitled to vote on behalf of the institutions he/she represents.

The form to be submitted in order to join the Academy will be soon available on the EuARe website. The annual dues are 100for collective subjects and 50 € for individuals. Associates will enjoy discounts on the attendance fee at the conference and will have the right to vote at the General Assembly.

Please note that the Assembly of EuARe members is convened for Tuesday, March 6, 2017, at 6 p.m. On that day, the provisional Executive Committee will end its mandate, and the Assembly will vote to elect the new Executive Committee. Collective subjects will express their vote through their representative responsible. The same person is allowed to represent up to three subjects at a time. Proposals for the agenda will be accepted until December 31.

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