Sexual revolution and (de) pillarization from 1960 to 2000: A Belgian specificity? Contribution to a history of gender norms and sexuality.


In the framework of the interdisciplinary research group (ARC)

The Université libre de Bruxelles awards a one-year postdoctoral fellowship (2017-2018).

Révolution sexuelle et (dé)pilarisation de 1960 à 2000 : Une spécificité belge ? Contribution à une histoire des normes de genre et de sexualité.

Sexual revolution and (de) pillarization from 1960 to 2000: A Belgian specificity? Contribution to a history of gender norms and sexuality.

General information:

Mandate: postdoctoral fellowship, full-time
Duration: twelve months from starting date (between October 11st and November 1st, 2017)
Amount: +/- 2300 euro/month (not taxable in Belgium) – social security
Place of work: Université libre de Bruxelles, 1050 Brussels
Required degree: PhD in human sciences (received within the last 8 years)
Additional requirements: Not having resided and not having carried out his/her main activity in Belgium for more than 24 months during the previous 3 years ; if applicable, meeting visa requirements to stay in Belgium.

General description:

The research project Sexual Revolution and (de) pillarization from 1960 to 2000: A Belgian specificity? has been deployed at the Université Libre de Bruxelles since 2016, where it brings together researchers from the Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Religions and Secularism (CIERL), from STRIGES (Interdisciplinary Research Structure on Gender, Equality And Sexuality), the criminological Research Center of the Faculty of Law and Criminology, Gender and Sex Workshop (AGS) and METICES (Migration, Spaces, Work, Institutions, Citizenship, Epistemology, Health).

It is an interdisciplinary project questioning the phenomenon of de-pillarization that has been going through Belgian society for several decades. Pillarization, referring to the management of religious and philosophical diversity, was one of the fundamental characteristics of Belgian society. It resulted in the creation of separate worlds, framing individuals from the cradle to the grave. Next to the « framing of the souls », this system involved setting up networks of institutions in areas such as education, youth protection, health, family or work. From the analysis of issues such as family recomposition, mixity, contraception and abortion, AIDS and homosexuality, the study of the transformation of gender norms and sexuality since 1960 takes a fresh look on de-pillarization. This project combines the study of these intimate changes with the questioning of the reorganization of social and political institutions of Belgium, which takes place in a context of reconfiguration of the shapes of authority in Western Europe.

The main goals of the project are:

to take a fresh look at the phenomena of pillarization and de-pillarization from the perspective of the transformations of the catholic pillar;

To acquire a better understanding of the sexual revolution, and its impact on gender and sexuality; – to confront the methods of history, oral history and sociology.

Required profile :

The mandate is for a young researcher developing her/his expertise in one of the following fields: History of the Church since the 1960s; History of gender; History of sexuality (sexualities).

He or she has been holding a doctorate (PhD) for less than eight years in one of the following disciplines: History – Religious Sciences- Political Science – Sociology – Criminology – Anthropology.

He or she will develop, within the team, a project related to the general themes of the research carried out by the group. Preference will be given to a candidate who will develop a comparative, internationally oriented project. A great deal of freedom is left to the candidate in choosing his or her subject. The project must include the preparation and submission of at least two scientific papers. The successful candidate will be expected to take an active part in all the activities of the research team and therefore to reside near Brussels.

Successful candidates must demonstrate their writing skills in French or English. A good knowledge of the other language is required. A passive knowledge of the Dutch language allowing to read scientific literature in this language is an asset.


The application file must include:
– the description of the proposed research project (max. 15,000 signs); make sure to clarify the scope and underline the connection with the general research project of the group;
– the candidate’s curriculum vitae;
– the summary of the doctoral thesis and the evaluations of the jury (report if existing);
– the list of publications with short abstracts for the three most important ones;
– the coordinates of two reference persons.

The application must be submitted electronically and sent to Caroline Sägesser ( -from whom any additional information can be obtained- by 15 May 2017 at the latest. The selected candidates will be auditioned (in Brussels or via Skype) on 13 June 2017.

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