Call for papers: ‘Les fanatismes aujourd’hui, enjeux cliniques des nouvelles radicalités’

The international and interdisciplinary conference ‘Les fanatismes aujourd’hui, enjeux cliniques des nouvelles radicalités’ (Fanaticisms today, clinical stakes of the new extremisms) will take place at the Université Rennes 2 on October 13 and 14, 2016. It is organized by the lab E.A.4050 ‘Recherches en psychopathologie, nouveaux symptômes et lien socialand by the research group on clinical psychopathology and psychanalitical criminology ‘Les nouveaux fanatismes’.

Summary: Defending unwavering causes and truths, religious fanaticisms, either ideological or political, are back today. Radicalization of beliefs, imperialism of scientism as well as a toughening of conservative and security-obsessed governance is demonstrating it. Hence the need to examine their sociopolitical and psychopathological impact. This interdisciplinary and international conference of clinical psychopathology and psychoanalytic criminology, open to contributions from other disciplines (history, sociology, philosophy, psychiatry, law, political science, etc. ) will analyze this new rise of fanaticisms, their conditions of emergence and diffusion (social and political) and their subjective foundations.

Call for papers: The papers (that should belong to the fields of psychopathology, psychanalysis, criminology, law, history, philosophy, psychiatry, political science or sociology) should explore one of the following themes:

  1. Radicalisation des croyances, dérives sectaires et extrémismes religieux (Radicalization of beliefs, sectarian aberrations and religious extremisms)
  2. Figures et fonctions subjectives de Dieu (Figures and subjective functions of God)
  3. Fanatismes politiques et pratiques sécuritaires (Political fanaticism and safety practices)
  4. Idéologies et impostures scientistes (Ideologies and scientific impostures)
  5. Crimes au nom de l’idéal et victimes (Crimes commited in the name of the ideal and victims)
  6. Le nouvel homme : missionnaire, justicier, augmenté (The new man: missionary, vigilante, augmented)
  7. Lien social contemporain et pousse au fanatisme (Contemporary social link and pushing towards fanaticism)

Practical information:

► The papers should be sent to Romuald Hamon and Yohan Trichet, before the 1rst of April 2016:

► Each proposal must include the following elements:

  • Name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s)
  • Field(s), Laboratory(s), University(ies), Adress, Country(ies)
  • Mail address
  • Proposed title
  • Summary of 3000 signs maximum (spaces included)
  • References in the text and bibliography at the bottom of the pages or at the end of the text
  • 3 to 5 keywords
  • For information about the languages allowed for the papers, in addition to French, please contact Romuald Hamon or Yohan Trichet

You will find further details in the document below (please note that it is in French):

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