Lecture and debate: ‘Où est Charlie ? Les religions et la guerre’ – 01/12/2016, Angers

The lecture “Où est Charlie ? Les religions et la guerre”, sponsored by the IPRA, will take place in Angers on the 12th of January 2016, as a part of the ‘mardis de Confluences’ (a cycle of lectures and debates organized by the research federative structure Confluences).

Summary: ‘Kill them all; let God sort them out.’ This sentence, that was probably actually never uttured  by the pope envoy to whom it is cretited in the early thirteenth century, during the crusade against the heretic Cathars in southern France, is a good example of the often ambiguous relationship between religions and war. However, in the middle of the sixteenth century, Sébastien Castellion wrote : ‘Tuer un homme, ce n’est pas défendre une doctrine, c’est tuer un homme’ (Killing a man is not defending a doctrine, it is killing a man). The lecture, with two speakers, will try to look into some episodes of the history of Christianism and of Islam.  First, they will analyze what religious texts (the Bible and the Quran) say about the war. Then, they will look into the topic of ‘holy war’ (the crusade and the djihâd) during the Middle-Ages. Finally, they will study the religion wars between catholics and protestants, and the birth of a rethoric on what we call today tolerance and secularism.

Speakers: Didier Boisson, Jean-Michel Matz (UMR CERHIO)
Coordinator of the conference cycle: Arnaud de Lajartre
Contact: Annie Ribrault (annie.ribrault@univ-angers.fr)

Practical Information:

  • Date: Tuesday, 12th of January 2016, 6-8pm
  • Maison de la recherche Germaine Tillion (Campus Belle-Beille –  5bis Bd Lavoisier – 49045 Angers 01)
  • Free entry
  • Language of the conference: French


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