Cannot determine address at this location. by IPRA · 5 April 2018 Location:Cannot determine address at this location. Twitter Facebook [{"latlong":["47.18889050000001"," -1.5663953000000674"],"zoom":"16","infow":"Cannot determine address at this location.<\/span>Cannot determine address at this location.<\/span><\/div>"}] You may also like... 2012-2013 HEMED online course: Honouring the gods in the Classical Mediterranean realm and on its fringes 18 July 2014 IPRA joins the Fondation of the University of Nantes 23 October 2017 Article in the magazine Etudes: ‘Le fait religieux dans les manuels scolaires d’histoire’ 5 January 2016 Search for: Twitter IPRA Tweets de @IPRA_eu Languages Français English CategoriesCategories Select Category Call for paper/projects (26) E Learning (9) European project (1) Events (7) Featured posts (8) Inter-university diploma (2) IPRA’s team (1) Lectures – Conferences (40) Non classé (1) Other events (7) Public events (11) Publications (30) Teaching resources (1) Updates (9) Workshops (6) Chercher dans Isidore Search in Isidore TagsArab world atheism canon law Christianity citizenship cohabitation conversion crusade ethnography Europe extremism freedom of conscience freedom of religion freedom of speech gender halakha History holy war interreligious dialogue interreligious tension Islam jihâd Judaism Law legal proceeding litterature media Middle Ages middle east migration minority muslim law political authorities politics presidential election racialism religious authorities religious order religious text secularism stereotype teaching Theology trade war
2012-2013 HEMED online course: Honouring the gods in the Classical Mediterranean realm and on its fringes 18 July 2014
Article in the magazine Etudes: ‘Le fait religieux dans les manuels scolaires d’histoire’ 5 January 2016