Lecture: ‘Tunisie, an V de la révolution’ – 04/08/2016, Paris

The iReMMO organizes a meeting with Jérôme Heurtaux and Samy Ghorbal on the theme ‘Tunisie, an V de la révolution’ (Tunisia, year 5 of the revolution).

Jérôme Heurtaux, lecturer in political sciences at the Université Paris-Dauphine, is researcher at the IRISSO, currently detached at the Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain (IRMC – Tunis). He works on political reconstruction since the fall of Ben Ali and on Tunisian electoral sociology.
Samy Ghorbal, writer and journalist for the newspaper Jeune Afrique, is the author of Orphelins de Bourguiba & héritiers du Prophète, (Cérès, 2012), an essay on the relationship between state, politics and religion, and of the Syndrome de Siliana (Cérès 2013), an investigation on death penalty in Tunisia.

This meeting will be animated by Jean-Pierre Séréni, journalist at Orient XXI.

Informations pratiques :

  • Date : 7 avril 2016, 18h30-20h30
  • Lieu : iReMMO, 7 rue des Carmes, 75005 Paris (Métro Maubert-Mutualité)
  • Tarif : 8€ (tarif plein) / 5€ (tarif réduit pour les étudiants et demandeurs d’emploi)
  • Page de l’évènement : http://www.iremmo.org/spip/spip.php?article710
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