Lecture: ‘Les silences de Pie XII’ – 03/21/2016 (Le Mans)

Update 04/06/2016 : The recording of this lecture is now available at the following address : http://umotion.univ-lemans.fr/video/0284-les-silences-de-pie-xii-histoire-dune-controverse/

Muriel Guittat-Naudin, doctor in contemporary history, will give a lecture in Le Mans on the 21rst of March 2016, on the theme: ‘Les silences de Pie XII, Histoire d’une controverse’ (The silence of Pius XII, history of a controversy).This event is organized by the Centre de Recherches HIstoriques de l’Ouest (CERHIO) and by the IPRA.

Summary: Pius XII is still today the most controversial pope of the twentieth century. At the heart of the debate comes a nagging question about the attitude of the Vatican during the Second World War. By remaining silent, is Pius XII partly responsible for the genocide of the Jewish people? If he had loudly denounced the extermination of European Jews, would lives have been saved? But how to grasp the history of a controversy that has been alive and kicking since the early 1960’s ?
This conference will try first to build a reasoned account of this controversy over a period of more than half a century and then, to analyze its hidden mechanisms.

Practical information:

  • Date: March 21, 2016, 8.30pm
  • Place: Université du Maine, avenue Olivier Messiaen (amphithéâtre Mercure – UFR de Droit), Le Mans
  • Free entry
  • For further information, please contact : ipra@univ-nantes.fr or anna.christophe@univ-nantes.fr
  • Please note that this lecture will be held in French



Image credit : ‘Couronnement de Pie XII en 1939′, source : Wikipédia (image upload*]}*ed by Joachim Specht : 2009 Scan from own old colour print, from 1939).


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