Lecture: ‘Tunisie, 5 ans après : où en est l’université et le processus de transition ?’ – 04/01/2016 (Paris)

The iReMMO organizes a meeting with Habib Kazdaghli on Friday the 1rst of April, from 12.30 to 2pm, on the theme ‘Tunisie, 5 ans après : où en est l’université et le processus de transition ?’ (Tunisia, 5 years after : where do the university and the transition process stand?)

Habib Kazdaghli has been the dean of the Litterature, Art and humanities faculty of the University Tunis-Manouba since spring 2011. History teacher, specialist in minorities studies, he fought the occupation of his campu by the Salafi during the winter 2011-2012. Since then, various groups have tried to pressure university employees and students. Habib Kazdaghli will talk about the situation of both the students and the higher-education system in Tunisia.
He wrote a book about this struggle: ‘Chroniques du Manoubistan’, published by Cérès (2012, Tunis).

This meeting will be animated by Monique Cerisier-Ben Guiga, honorary senator and member of the iReMMO.

Practical information:

  • Place: iReMMO, 7 rue des Carmes, 75005 Paris (Métro Maubert-Mutualité)
  • Date: 1er avril 2016, 12h30-14h
  • Fee: 8€ (full price) / 5€ (reduced price for students and unemployed people)
  • Webpage of the event: http://www.iremmo.org/spip/spip.php?article705
  • Language of the event: French
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