Lecture: L’Islam contemporain déchiré entre tendance libérale et tendance intégrale – 03/17/2016 (Mayenne)

Dominique Avon, co-director of the IPRA, will give a lecture entitled “L’Islam contemporain déchiré entre tendance libérale et tendance intégrale” (Contemporary Islam: between liberal and integral tendency), at the Université du temps libre en Haute Mayenne, on the 17th of March 2016.

Summary: The tension between a movement to preserve integrity and another to open oneself to differences exists in every religion. It has been particularly strong among the Muslim populations since the late eighteenth century. This issue was partially dodged during the independences, from the mid-1940s until the early 1960s. But it was reactivated by a major event in 1979: the Iranian Islamic revolution, promoted by Ayatollah Khomeini. And since the Arab Spring, everything has gotten more complex… Let’s take the time to make everything a little clearer.

Practical information:

  • Date: 17th of March 2016,from 5pm to 7pm
  • Place: Théâtre de Mayenne, Place Juhel, Mayenne
  • This lecture will be held in French

Image credit: Théâtre de Mayenne, photo found on the website of the office du tourisme du Pays de Mayenne

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