11th forum Laïcité/diversité: ‘Sommes-nous producteurs d’inégalités ?’ – 22/03/2016 (Le Mans)

The Ligue de l’enseignement – FAL 72 and the Collectif d’Éducation à la Citoyenneté et à la Diversité organize the 11th Forum Laïcité / Diversité (11th forum on secularism and diversity), on the theme ‘Sommes-nous producteurs d’inégalités ? Les penser pour mieux les panser’ (Are we creating inequalities? Reflecting upon inequalities to heal them). The sociologist Manuel Boucher will give a lecture during the morning and workshops will take place during the afternoon. Please note that this event will be held in French.

Summary: Regardless of one’s position in the society, everybody points out inequalities or claim to be their victim, without necessarily asking oneself if one is not also producing them. This is something to question at a personal level as much as at a professional one. This event will provide the opportunity to think about our doings and to try to widen the access to social, cultural and teaching actions.

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